Last Updated on 2025/01/07 by BrieferBob
Gluten Free Explained!
Gluten free foods are easier to get access to than ever! The trend for eating healthier is on the rise and trending even as you read this. In recent years, more people are becoming increasingly consciously aware of the importance of healthy eating. Lifestyle changes are always in order if you are to get your vibrant life back. Or maybe it’s a matter of simply maintaining your present health status from this point going forward.
Either goal can become a daunting challenge. Even for the average person living an ordinary active lifestyle. Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle cannot be accomplished without a deep commitment to follow-through. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself on the typical roller-coaster ride of dieting and then dieting again!
The Ropes Of Gluten Free Foods
The fast pace of life we find ourselves engulfed in can easily sidetrack our goals. It can be daunting to the average person to get the knowledge of what foods are good, bad, or indifferent for maintaining a healthy diet. It can also seem to be overwhelming to most of us who may not be so inspired to become the world-class chef we have the potential to become. Maybe that’s just not where we want to put a lot of our free time now. So who can you call? Where can you go to find truly healthy food? And to be more specific, what are the healthy gluten free foods?
Gluten Free Foods May Not Be The Ticket It Promotes!
Whether it’s weight loss or “feeding your happy”, simply eating gluten free foods may not be the ticket it’s intended to offer you. “Gluten free” has become a major buzz word in the world of healthy dieting and every day eating. But is it for everyone? You can be sure, as the gluten-free term gained in popularity, our friendly food companies jumped on the band wagon to snatch up their share of profits by turning out sugar packed processed junk foods and marketing them as gluten-free alternatives. Most health freaks bought the lie. Line and sinker!
Is Gluten-Free Really for You?
Knowing whether or not gluten free foods are your cup of tea, healthy or not for you, is not as difficult to figure out as you may think. By simply taking the time to read the ingredients on the back of the box (which is something most consumers don’t do), you’ll usually find a high flower content (which converts to sugar), a high sugar content, and a list of all kinds of food-like additives that are nothing more than chemically based preservatives. All this, and more, simply designed to take in more profits at your health (and pocketbook) cost! But that’s not to say that gluten-free is not good for all. In fact, it may be necessary for some!
Why Go Gluten-Free?
An autoimmune condition called celiac disease attacks the intestines and other related tissue. This disease can be present in the body for many years, even decades before manifesting its presence. In most discoveries, doctors wouldn’t even be looking for it in the patient unless the person is experiencing digestive disorders or intestinal discomfort.
If ignored, celiac disease can wreak havoc, causing intestinal and other organ damage. However, simply being sensitive to gluten intake by itself does not mean that celiac disease is present. Nor does a gluten sensitive person need to be concerned of experiencing the effects caused by celiac disease. These two are not one in the same!
The Fear Factor
It must be noted that you can be sure that the gluten-free marketers have, and will continue, to scare perfectly healthy people into the gluten market. For sheer profit! But this doesn’t mean that it’s perfectly O.K. for anyone who wishes to choose to go gluten-free, especially if you’re experiencing chronic abdominal pain, bloating, cramping, chronic fatigue, anemia, or unexplained weight-loss to name a few. These are symptoms you should bring up with your physician to be sure.
Eating Healthy
Eating healthy should be the desire of every one of us. Simply eating protein packed foods can be enough! But there are fewer providers these days promoting plant-based foods. Foods claiming low-carbs can be higher in trans-fat. They may also contain higher sugar alcohol levels and artificial sweeteners. All of which are usually contained in so-called “fat-free” foods!
The product may be labeled as gluten free, but if it’s filled with flour and loaded with sugar, these elements promote inflammation. Inflammation, as any doctor with tell you, plays a major role in just about every disease known to man. But not all gluten-free foods are created the same. There are plenty of naturally gluten-free healthy foods available.
Don’t Overlook The Hidden Content
Let’s not overlook the fact that foods containing a higher sugar content translates into high blood sugar levels. Breath mints, chewing gum, and other seemingly innocent similar products may be labeled as “sugar-free” or “low-carb”. But the fact remains that these products contain sugar alcohol. And foods that are considered to be healthy like sun-dried tomatoes, cranberry juice, peanut better, and cereal bars are all high in sugar. Should we go without eating any of these foods at all?
Healthy Foods Don’t Cost More Than Gluten Free!
It’s not true that healthy foods cost more money! Creative marketing firms have successfully conditioned us into believing that we need to spend more money if we’re going to eat healthy. It’s a lie! A myth! And just about anything else you want to call something that isn’t factually true! The term “healthy” may mean different things on different scales to different people. Barley, rye, and wheat are all healthy. But these foods contain the protein known as gluten.
It pretty much comes down to the person’s understanding or knowledge base of what makes up being healthy. Nature itself hold the keys to health! Consider a good plant-based diet, and you can’t contaminate your body with artificial chemicals or fake foods and food preservatives. You don’t need to spend more money to stay healthy! It’s simply a matter of personal food management. A suggestion? Stick with the super-foods and you’ll be healthier for it!