Last Updated on 2025/02/21 by BrieferBob
Online Grammar Checker Spotlights You!
An epic online grammar checker for free! As of the date of this latest update of this blog, over 7 Million writers have used the online grammar checker by Grammarly. Known as the world’s best grammar checker available anywhere, Grammarly is an automated online writing tool.
Words mean things. Accordingly, the way you use them in context can say a lot about you to your reader. Most Human Resource departments will tell you that grammar is the most accurate window into a job applicant’s ability at performing the position sought.
Online Grammar Checker Is More Than Just Spelling
Spelling is important, to be sure! But grammar demonstrates the writer understands the relationships between words. Correctly spelled words used improperly can leave an embarrassing impression with the reader of your work.
Online spell checking is simply a computer recall task. The proper spelling of words is static. They do not change. But when it comes to putting words in the proper order and context, and when those words are able to draw a mental picture in the mind of the reader, grammar rules the day!
Word Choice is Big With The Online Grammar Checker
When it comes to an Online Grammar Checker analyzing grammar, it becomes a very complex task. One that requires a deep understanding of how words relate to one another. A simple example of placing a properly spelled word out-of-place would be;
“But when it comes to putting words in the/there/their proper order and content…”
Grammarly offers word choice suggestions that optimize for the context of your paper. Words have an impact! Whether/weather they fall flat or register a strong readability is the result of properly structuring your words.
Other examples of properly spelled words displaying poor grammar would be:
- affect / effect
- lose / loose
- there / they’re
- lie / lay
- complementary / complimentary
- every day / everyday
- principal / principle
It’s All About The Little Things
It is the little things that a good online grammar checker can highlight and bring to your attention that will instantly impact the message you’re/your intending to convey.
A complete grammar checker should be able to check for the small things like capitalization, prepositions, modifier placements, and subject and verb agreement. Highlighting misused articles is also critical. Such use left unattended can break down the effectiveness and credibility of your document.
The online grammar checker by Grammarly offers examples of grammatical rule accompanying each explanation for the suggested grammar correction. Any exceptions to the rule are also explained. In other words, the online grammar checker will not only discover what to fix, but it will also tell you how to fix it.
Why should you consider using Grammarly’s online grammar checker?
- With over 250 advanced grammar rules to scan for, Grammarly performance is outstanding when it comes to producing results beyond what you may have already experienced with any other online grammar checker.
- Grammarly’s patent-pending online grammar checker technology ensures impeccable grammar to improve any text work you do.
- Online Grammar checker will check product descriptions, medical reports and white papers.
- Readability and meaning of your document improves instantly with context optimized synonyms!
- Grammatical mistakes often go unnoticed when using popular word processors and other online grammar checker programs. With Grammarly, these common oversights are highlighted!
- Grammarly actually teaches you how to avoid these mistakes in the future, thereby tutoring you along the way to improving your writing skills!
- Grammarly’s online grammar checker is like providing another set of eyes at perfecting your writing
Once you have spun your wheels trying out the other options, take a hard look at the world’s best online grammar checker. Indeed, and while you’re at it, review some of the additional blogs that have been published on this site about Grammarly. It will put an end to your search.