Self Improvement Sports

Spartan Race Separates From The Rest

Before the development, planning, and implementation of the Spartan Race, there existed no such event that challenged the participant at achieving something that so many would-be gladiators would never consider: overcoming the “self” in us all!

Spartan Race Echos Accomplishments

Spartan RaceSpartan Race is the greatest individual race ever! Nothing more to say! End of story! But where do you go to prove you’re one of them? Can you at least train for the challenge that is set before you? Is Spartan like any other? No! It’s not! It never will be! It never was developed to be anything like any race of endurance that was before it, nor anything in the future!

So you dream about running a Marathon? Well then, as great of an achievement as that may be, maybe the Spartan Race isn’t for you after all. Besides, if it was easy, it wouldn’t be identified with one of the most determined, unstoppable warriors the world has ever known. The Spartan! But this one is not “for Sparta!” If you choose to accept the challenge, this race is for you!

Before the development, planning, and implementation of the Spartan Race, there existed no such event that challenged the participant at achieving something that so many would-be gladiators would never consider: overcoming the “self” in us all! Overcoming our own set self-limitations that each of us accepted as the norm of high-performance levels. Levels of limitation on our individual psyche as “the limit” of personal achievement that is possible. All it takes is for you to dare to get to the starting line. Then, prove your capabilities…to you!

What makes the Spartans stand apart from the rest is the importance of leaving no man or woman behind. Be it Spartan first-timers or seasoned, accomplished élite veteran racers, there is one truth that burns in the heart of every racer that has ever attempted this race: If you think you can’t do it, you’re wrong! So, the question is….do you dare?

Courage Knocks At The Door

Individuals from all walks of life have ventured into vast, unknown territory. By definition, true courage is knowing what lays ahead and going forward anyway! For those who have demonstrated it in one form or another, courage is the adrenaline rush unmatched by all other measures. First-respondents see it as a way of life. Military combatants accept it as a call to duty. The Spartan Race, however, is optional for you to take part. Taking this challenge on requires courage you may have never thought you had in you. But you do! And you can! Prepare for all its challenge! Then, find a race for the challenge and see where it takes you. Experience the undiscovered of what you have within you!

Spartan Race, Inc.

By BrieferBob

A free-lance writer, the author is an FAA Licensed Private Pilot. He received his first Bachelor of Arts Degree from Cal State University, Northridge. He was inducted into both the Golden Key International Honour Society and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society while pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Aviation Science at Utah Valley University. He's a traveler and a consumer who enjoys fly fishing, cycling, sailing, snowboarding, and golf on any other day. His writing offers briefings, advisories, alerts, and checklists for online shoppers.

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