Last Updated on 2024/10/22 by BrieferBob
Grammarly Back-to-School Study Shows Promising Success
Taking Grammarly back-to-school with you this year, and every year thereafter, spells success! That according to the latest Grammarly back-to-school study results. Remember hanging around poolside at midnight, stargazing with friends, or sharing your goals and dreams around the bonfire while bringing in the New Year?
Do you remember your resolutions? According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2013 was The Year of the Snake and 2025 is the year of the snake once again! As the snake sheds its old skin to start anew, it’s a time for you to shed your old skin. Set yourself on the path of a fresh start. It means committing to your New Year’s Resolutions. Your commitment to discovering your pathway of success. Accordingly, in your own created ventures while experiencing the amazing transformation that awaits you.
Resolutions like working harder on that essay in hopes of earning a better grade! The goal of polishing your resume and finally landing that dream job. Further, perfecting your proposals to launch your career to new heights. These promises and commitments have all been made to yourself! So at this point-in-time, where are you along the way? Your resolutions can be easily accomplished simply by taking Grammarly back-to-school, and close out any goal with a bang of success!
Why Consider Grammarly Back-To-School
Why should you consider taking Grammarly back-to-school with you? Consider the results of the latest research study by Grammarly. In March, 2013, the study revealed once again that good grammar will get you promoted. The study used a basic method of reviewing one-hundred LinkedIn profiles of professionals in the consumer packaged goods industry. Each of whom spoke English as their native language. The subjects reviewed had not worked for more than three employers over the first ten years of their career.
Grammarly found;
About half of the subjects (within those ten years) received promotions to a director-level or higher position, while the other half of the subjects did not. Those who had fewer grammar errors in their profiles were among the half who received a promotion. The one-half of the subjects that did not reach at least the director-level were among those who had made two-and-a-half times as many grammar mistakes as their director-level counterparts. Those who received one to four promotions within the ten-year period had made 45% more grammar errors than those who had six to nine promotions in the same time period.
Fewer grammar errors equate to frequent job changes!
The group that remained at the same job, or with the same company for more than ten years, made 20% more grammar mistakes when compared to those who held six different jobs during the same time frame.
What seems to be at the core of these results? According to Grammarly’s C.E.O. Brad Hoover, those who have better grammar may be among the more ambitious in their pursuit of more promising career opportunities. Or it may be that job-hoppers simply recheck their resumes more often between jobs. In other words, this equates to moving up in the workforce instead of finding yourself at a dead-end, unable to progress.
There seems to be a consensus among human resource people who check the writing skills among applicants. For the most part, they think that a person’s writing skills can be a window into the applicant’s abilities and potential performance on the job. People who take pride in their writing show a higher level of professionalism, credibility, and accuracy in their work. A person who can structure grammatically correct sentences demonstrates that they have the ability to analyze and explain complex problems, though this ability may lay dormant to the individual’s own awareness.
Writing skills are essential! Take Grammarly back-to-school with you! The world’s most correct grammar checker will help you progress through your education as you prepare to enter the workforce. You can be confident that all your grammar and punctuation errors are instantly corrected.